Lego Story Time
Waseca Public Library 408 N State St, Waseca, MN, United StatesTell the story with Legos! Kids ages 4-6 can join our monthly creative Lego-building group, with an adult. Each event will include a story to inspire the builders.
Tell the story with Legos! Kids ages 4-6 can join our monthly creative Lego-building group, with an adult. Each event will include a story to inspire the builders.
Kids can drop in to decorate their own peg game that doubles as tic-tac-toe. They can also create their very own wooden tomten. Supplies are good until gone. Ages 7-12.
Unlock the magic of Legos by ditching the instruction manual and building your own! Lego builders will be given a theme to inspire their creations. Geared for ages 7-12.
Invent toys using Hanz Inventors Lab kits. These pieces can be rearranged into hundreds of different combinations! Geared for ages 7-12.
Get started with drawing basic shapes and understanding composition. Artist and Creativebug instructor Lisa Congdon shares her tricks for approaching the blank page, from photo references or your imagination. Geared for teens and adults. Register now.
Le Sueur Public Library holds Romp and Rhyme story times on Tuesdays at 10 am. From puppets to pumping music, from bubble machines to banging bands, these are not your…
Kids are invited to join our creative Lego-building club. Each event will have a theme to inspire and Legos to build with.