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Romp and Rhyme Story Time

Le Center Public Library 10 W Tyrone St, Le Center, MN, United States

Le Center Public Library holds Romp and Rhyme story times on Tuesdays at 10 am. From puppets to pumping music, from bubble machines to banging bands, these are not your average story time. The Library uses movement, STEAM activities, curiosity, imaginative play, and active learning to keep kids engaged. Free and open to the public.


The Secret Science of Cotton Candy

Le Center Public Library 10 W Tyrone St, Le Center, MN, United States

What is cotton candy made of? How do you spin sugar? Why is it sticky? Why do some people call this fairy floss? Learn this and more (while you sample your self-spun cotton candy). Ages 9-12.


Sphero Basics

Le Center Public Library 10 W Tyrone St, Le Center, MN, United States

Code our Spheros to roll around, and then compete in a Sphero tournament! Ages 9-12.



Le Center Public Library 10 W Tyrone St, Le Center, MN, United States

Do you like to try new flavors and recipes? Try out a new spice every month! Each month we’ll feature a new spice and make it available in a small FREE take-home kit. Then we’ll meet up to learn more about the spice’s history and its uses. The group will also share what everyone made…


Book Planter

Le Center Public Library 10 W Tyrone St, Le Center, MN, United States

Create a literary garden by repurposing an old book into a succulent planter. Geared for adults. Register now.


Author Joshua Moehling

Le Center Public Library 10 W Tyrone St, Le Center, MN, United States

The author of the Ben Packard mystery series will share his writing process and his work. "Explores “the untold stories” (and one or two diabolical secrets) buried beneath the Minnesota Nice of Sandy Lake.” —Minneapolis StarTribune This program is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant provided by the Traverse des Sioux…


Construction Site: Let’s Build

Le Center Public Library 10 W Tyrone St, Le Center, MN, United States

Put on your hard hat while we work through Construction Site’s newest projects. Kids will use their find motor skills as they build, demolish, and everything in between! Ages 3-6.  

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